The name of Gigi Cichellero, is probably not well known to lovers of Jazz, because he is better known as a RAI Orchestra conductor, author of music for "light" singers, as Johnny Dorelli or Tony Dallara, and director of television programs like "Canzonissima" or "Tempo di Musica", but his natural sense of swing is undeniable.
Many of the participants in this recording, however, do not need any introduction, and I'm referring to names like Dusko Goykovich, Sergio Fanni, Attilio Donadio, Ettore Righello, Pasquale Liguori and more.
Once curiosity, and concerns Gianluigi Trovesi, another participant in this session: this is the first album that he recorded.
Last but not least, a disc of jazz for big band, in Italy, is still a rarity.
Many of the participants in this recording, however, do not need any introduction, and I'm referring to names like Dusko Goykovich, Sergio Fanni, Attilio Donadio, Ettore Righello, Pasquale Liguori and more.
Once curiosity, and concerns Gianluigi Trovesi, another participant in this session: this is the first album that he recorded.
Last but not least, a disc of jazz for big band, in Italy, is still a rarity.

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office of Contracts & Royalties CAROUSEL C.E.M.E.D. S.r.l.
Catalog#: CLE 21023
Format: LP
Country: Italy
Recorded at “Mondial Sound Studio”,
Milan, April 8 and 9 1974
Emilio Soana, Angelo Faglia, Umberto Moretti, Sergio Fanni (tp), Dusko Goykovich (tp, flgh), Nicola Castriotta, Giancarlo Romani, Palmiro Mautino (trne), Beppe Bergamasco (bass trne), Attilio Donadio, Gianluigi Trovesi (alto sax), Leandro Prete, Giorgio Baiocco (ten sax, fl), Stelio Licudi (ten sax, bar sax), Athos Poletti (bar sax), Ettore Righello (p), Filippo Daccò, Piero Gosio (g), Carlo Milano (bass), Pasquale Liguori (drums, perc), Luigi Cichellero (conductor).
Side A
A1) A Lot Of Living To Do - 3'43"
A2) I Remember Clifford - 4'48"
A3) The Plunger - 3'30"
A4) Lonely Street - 4'43"
A5) Psychedelic Sally - 4'17"

Side B
B1) Vicino A Te - 4'16"
B2) Polvere di Stelle - 3'52"
B3) Modestamente Parlando - 4'24"
B4) Nel Giardino di Bem - 4'08"
B5) Ancora Blues - 4'05"

Ignorante che sono, non conoscevo nepppure l'esistenza di questo disco; un'orchestra piena di grandi musicisti tra i quali due che sono nel mio cuore, il compianto Sergio Fanni e il caro Pasqualino Liguori, che continuo a pensare sia stato il batterista più innovativo e creativo del nostro jazz, senza nulla togliere a tanti altri eccellenti percussionisti, oltre che amici.